Risk Management
and Legislative Decree 231/2001

Corporate risks are defined as events that could positively or negatively influence the achievement of company objectives. Risk management is an increasingly topical issue that arises both from the need to strengthen internal control systems and from regulatory obligations spanning various areas.

Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced corporate administrative liability for a number of offences committed in the interest or to the benefit of entities. Companies that violate the aforementioned decree risk heavy fines or disqualifying sanctions.

However, the decree provides that entities can be exempted from such a responsibility if they can prove that their management body has adopted and implemented an organisation and control model that covers the relevant offences before they are committed, and that verification of the model functioning, monitoring and updating been entrusted to a supervisory body.

In addition to exempting a company from liability in the event of a dispute, the adoption and implementation of an organisation and control model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 allows companies to accurately map out all risks concerning their business activities, whether they relate to finances, taxes, production, IT, the environment, or workplace health and safety.

Thanks to decades of experience in 231 matters, SOGESA can help companies to achieve comprehensive compliance and improve the reliability of their business activities.

The services offered by SOGESA Consulting in this area include: